From The Roots Up: A Closer Look at Compassion and Justice in Missions

From The Roots Up: A Closer Look at Compassion and Justice in Missions


There is a growing desire for churches and individuals in the USA today to do good deeds in other nations. Unfortunately our good intentions often do more harm than good. Giving used clothing, for example, can put local merchants out of business. Feeding programs can develop unhealthy dependency. This book attempts to look at the Biblical mandate for compassion, then lays out best practice principles that look at social injustices, the role of the church in compassion, avoiding dependency and helps readers understand what sustainability really means and how it can be achieved in partnership with local stakeholders. It is a must-read for anyone thinking of doing missions or a short-term intervention for their own community or in other countries.

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Weight : 12.8 ounces

Paperback : 214 pages

ISBN-13 : 978-0736104333

Publisher : iBookPublishers

Language: : English